EVENTS - Some of my Visits to Auctions, Festivals, Movies, Opening, Theatres, etc.

Select a sub-topic in the menu on the left side, or follow the links below.

* Classic Concert Russian Musicians by RECF - 11 June 2011, Atrium Den Haag

* European Championship Duel Volleyball - Netherlands Austria - 12 June 2011, Rotterdam

* International Tattoo Convention 2011 - Ahoy, Rotterdam

* Subcast and extras at the movie recording for the new action movie "Amsterdam Heavy"

* Spinning Event "Geen berg te hoog" for the KWF (cancer funds) in Raamsdonkveer

* Old year - New Year celebration in Paris : - to folow soon -

* International Exhibition of Ice Sculptures "Ice Magic" in Paris - France

* Wonderful Winter World Event organized by the Amerpoort foundation in Baarn -

* Going to the Zoo "Burgers Bush" : - to follow soon -

* Art school "HKU" in Utrecht - Netherlands

* Art school "ARTEZ" in Enschede - Netherlands